
McCullough Mulvin to lead design team for Old Library Redevelopment Project at Trinity College Dublin

McCullough Mulvin to lead design team for Old Library Redevelopment Project at Trinity College Dublin

We are delighted to have been chosen to lead the integrated design team for the Old Library Redevelopment Project at Trinity College Dublin.

The Old Library is one of the most impressive libraries in the world. Over 300 years old, it has come to a pivotal moment in its history and is now being reimagined for a new century.

The Old Library Redevelopment Project will safeguard and sustain this historic building and its precious manuscripts and collections for the next century and beyond, and will put the Old Library on a par with the best scholarly facilities and museum experiences in the world.

Client: Trinity College Dublin

Architect & Grade 1 Conservation: McCullough Mulvin Architects

Civil & Structural Engineers: Punch Consulting

Building Engineering Services, EED, Acoustic & Lighting Consultant: BDP

Fire Safety & DAC: Michael Slattery Associates

PSDP: Aegis Safety

Planning Consultant: Avison Young

Site Logistics: Strata Project Solutions

Landscape Consultant: Dermot Foley Landscape Architects

Website Design and Development: WorkGroup