Valerie Mulvin
Director FRIAI RIBA BArch MLitt Conservation Grade 1

Valerie Mulvin studied architecture in UCD, graduating in 1981. Following this she spent a year in Rome on a post graduate scholarship analyzing and drawing the layers of history in the city based on a serial study of the Nolli maps. On her return to Ireland she and Niall McCullough collaborated together on a book, A Lost Tradition, the nature of architecture in Ireland (Gandon Editions, Dublin 1987) which involved in primary research and on-site work on Ireland’s vernacular buildings, a seminal book. In 1991 she completed a Masters in Urban Studies at TCD (MLitt) with work on the Morphology of Irish Towns. Together with Niall McCullough, she founded McCullough Mulvin Architects in 1986. The practice has gone on to produce numerous award winning buildings.
Valerie has lectured on the work of the practice in Ireland, India, Spain, Germany, Norway, the UK, Czech Republic and Portugal. She has been involved in teaching and examining at University College Dublin; School of Architecture DIT; Queens University, Belfast; Cesuga, A Coruna, Spain; Cardiff University; Dundee University; and has been visiting critic at EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland’ Queens University Belfast, DIT Dublin and A Coruna, Spain. She is currently an external examiner at Edinburgh University. The work of the practice has been exhibited widely and published extensively: In 2015, the work of the practice was documented for an international audience by the publication of a monograph by TC Cuadernos ‘McCullough Mulvin Arquitectura 2004-2015’.